Fytocell substrate is a lightweight but very stable, sponge-like substance that makes the perfect soil for all your plants. It’s an aminoplast resin, solely composed of organic elements. Its open cell structure provides Fytocell with great water absorption capacity and air permeability, which ensures great air and water management. This leads to improved water and nutrient absorption by seeds and plants, which results in excellent germination and root development.
We offer Fytocell in two different types: Flakes and plugs. Both are suitable for all plants and on any scale.
The flakes can be mixed with potting or gardening soil to significantly increase the quality of your soil. But can also be used solely, without any soil added, as the base of your plants. Use a mixture of 50% potting or gardening soil and 50% Fytocell flakes for guaranteed results.
The plugs form the perfect base for all your seeds and cutting. Every plug has space for one seed or cutting and can be transplanted into any soil. To make the plugs ready for use, it is necessary to prepare them in a mixture of Organic Immune System Improver and water.
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Because Fytocell greatly improves germination and plant root development while requiring less water and nutrients, you literally get more for less. First, you get larger, healthier and firmer plants, leading to a bigger yield. Secondly you save costs and resources. Thirdly, the biodegradabiltiy makes that you don’t have to worry about any decomposition. With Fytocell you choose for optimal efficiency.
Fytocell Substrate has been used worldwide by many professionals and hobbyists with great success. See here what their results were.